Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Crazy Days & Off to Munchen Land

I packed in too many things for this week. Today I had to drive out, in the rain, to another school for which I teach. I set up an appt. with the chair of the ed. dept. about writing issues in the program. She suggested we go to lunch. Oh I don't trust this woman walking down the hall, let alone driving. I offered to drive, but she insisted. She drives 20 miles below the speed limit. She doesn't look around her at all. She just goes. Oh no, get us there safe. She circled around a few looking for a nonexistent italian restaurant. The drive was that awkward silence. Like a first date where you have no idea what to talk about. We had to find another place to eat seeing as we circled in silence and she had no idea where she was going. While we ate, I loaded her up with poorly written essays & suggestions on what needs to be done with the program. She didn't say much. I talked. A lot. I usually do not feel the need to fill awkward silence. Today I did. When we made it safely back (shocked) to the school, it was snowing. Not light, pretty little flakes, but driving snow & rain. Great. I have to get on the LIE with this? Drat. I made it back in time to run a few errands for my trip tomorrow (yikes), catch The Travel Channel's Passport to Europe which was for Bavaria...called Peof Crau about this.....and then ran back up to teach my 3:50 class & grade 20 essays.

I am so tired. I have so many little things to do before I levae tomorrow. Oh, did I mention we are going to Munich? The land of fairy tales, beer, and leider-hosen. I am excited, but nervous at the same time. I don't know why. I have to grade some papers for the online group before I leave & set up their lesson for next week. I have to set up my hybird lit. class as well. I have to find a suitcase & pack. I have to call Farm. to change the appt. for setting up the business. I hope I get this all done.

I will raise a glass on behalf of all of you & say "prost!" Wish us safe travels.