Sunday, December 09, 2007

Why Do They Come Back? (A part of the 'being spotted' issue)

I checked my email the other day to find one from the Math Professor. Bleh! I have not heard from him since July? August? I don't remember but it was one lone email that was sent & to which I never replied. The new one said "Hi! How are you? Just wanted to fill you in on what I've been doing.......blah blah blah.......I know the semester has been so crazy for me and I've let contacts slide. But I was wondering if you still wanted to keep in touch? I saw you the other night in Sephora and didn't know if I should say hello or not. So, I didn't. But I hope all is well with you and that the end of the semester isn't too hectic for you."

So, you saw me in a store and didn't say hi. You then wait a week to email me about the (lack of) encounter and want to know if I want to keep in touch. Hmmmmm. Hard decision here!

Well, in all honesty, part of me wants to respond just for the sake of asking him why he didn't come over and say 'hi' like a 35-year old man should be able to do. I was with KDP. Not with a guy. And he may not have seen me with her at times because we were on opposite sides of the for all I know I may have been alone when he saw me. And yet, no hello. Which part of me is glad about because I wouldn't wnat that awkwardness while selecting a lipstick. But, at the same time, what the heck is wrong with him? Or with me?

I have not responded. I probably won't because I don't really want to keep in touch with him. But, again, I am so curious to know why he'd not acknowledge me & then wait a week to send it off.

I'm rambling. I know. I want a man. It's the holidays. I'm lonely. I want to do all of the "couple-y" things that there are to enjoy. I'm rambling.