Friday, December 14, 2007

Inclement Weather..............Inclement Life

My evening classes were cancelled last night due to the icy roads. Yippee! Then the post came that the class will be made up on Friday the 21st. Drat! I will have no papers to grade. No work to do. No students who will show up so that I am not a total loser sitting in the building by myself on a Friday night.

To top it off, the Velvet Fog called my house. Half of the times she has called I just don't answer. Mainly because the messages she leaves are priceless. The other times she has called, I am not home and just never get around to calling her back. I now remember why I don't pick up. She asked if I had any weekend plans. I said yes I do & hope that the weather isn't too bad so that we can go and still be safe. She said "So? Make him come to you! Tell him to bring over some dinner and a movie & you can snuggle the evening away. How's that sound?"

I wanted to say "Who is he? There's no 'he'! I'm all alone!" but thought best and just agreed.

So, while sitting home on a Thursday evening, all I could think about was that there is no 'he' and I am alone. Thanks, Velvet Fog, for pointing out the lack in my life!