Sunday, October 01, 2006

Playing With Fire

The Greek & I have been texting back & forth for a month now. He's been wanting to get together to "hook up". Umm......I'm not that kind of woman. But, the flirting is fun. So we continue it. We were going to meet up after Crak & I were done at Sweeney's on Friday night. I got there at 10:55 & he was to be there at 11:00. I waited til 11:10/15 and took off. He calls at 11:35 and begs me to come out. I said no.

That was the end of it for Friday.

But, I get a call Saturday to hang out. I stated "We're hanging out. That's it. Right?" He said "Sure". I have been dying for a good make-out session & when he pushed the issue of hooking up, I said this was my limit.

I should back up a bit & point out that with the flirting texts, we had two real conversations on the phone & he said --in very clear terms-- if anything happnes between us, it's just for that time. There is no relatiohship to come of this. No dating/boyfriend-girlfriend/future labels. I said great because his family & lifestyle are not for me.

Well, we met up for a drink & appetizer last night. He was very sweet. Very flirty. Very touchy-feely. I asked him if he was okay. He said "Better than okay". He told me he was so happy we were hanging out. He was so happy to see me. He kept staring at my eyes & telling me how he never forgot how looking into them made him feel.

Ummmmmm................what happened to just hanging out? No feelings? Just fun?

We were talking on & on & all-of-a-sudden he was quiet. So I finished chewing, sipped my yummy Bacardi Raspberry & Sprite and turned to look at him. Which is when he leaned in and kissed me. ?!?!? Ummm.......not just a random kiss. Like those movie-kisses. Soft, sweet, and with something behind it. Oh darn. Here it goes.

We finished up & he walked me......holding me the whole my car. He opened the door for me & then kissed me again. Well, I wanted to kiss someone(anyone who is good at it) for I told him to get in.

We sat & chatted & kissed. He asked me why do I want to even see him after the past we have. I told him that we've had some pretty good conversations in the last few months, so why not go out for a good time, good drinks, and a few laughs? Life's too short to not enjoy, right?

He turned on the radio. I had my Nickelback cd in. I am addicted to their "Far Away" song & before I could explain why it was on repeat, he said "I love this song. It makes me think of you. Listen to it. Closely. And then call me tomorrow to talk." With that, he kissed me again & got out of the car.

What? I know the words. "Far away for far too long. I love you. I've loved you all along. I've missed you. Been far away for far too long."

So, you tell me.