Saturday, October 14, 2006

I Can't Take Them Anymore!

This is the part where I vent about needy students. Even my adults are pouncing on me when I walk into the building.....when I enter or exit a classroom.....are interrupting my classes that are in session.....or are waiting to catch me as I try to leave the building. They are running things past me that 8 year olds could do with less guidance.

And I have a couple of admireres that are really getting to the point that I am being harsh & it isn't working to drive them away. They need to get over the "teacher" fantasy thing & get a life.

I have kicked out four students from various classes in five weeks....I believe that is a new record. Even for me!

Sorry----I have not been home at night in over two weeks & too many thoughts are flooding my brain to be coherent at this point. All I know is taht Crak has the Spring schedule and I am still trying to deal with the fall. Don't make me go back there! I will go crazy!