Sunday, June 25, 2006

Wanna March In My Parade?

It seems that everyone gets to march in a parade except for me. Today the city hosted the Gay/Bi/Lesbian/Transvestite Parade and all came out of or in support of those who are gay, lesbian, bi, or just dress opposite of their gender. This is all very nice. Good for people having pride in what they practice in their sexual lives.

Recently we had the Puerto Rican Day Parade, too. This was a great festivity of the Puerto Rican tradition (watered down & Americanized because many of those who have pride in being Puerto Rican have been here for four or five generations & have yet to set foot on the soil of their "motherland", but have pride in heritage and culture. Before that was the Dominican Day Parade, the Latin American Day Parade, the West Indies Parade, the Italian Parade, and even the Tartan Parade. I think that this is great when people can come together in such traditions and celebrate what has made their family & its roots & culture. But I can not march in any of these parades because I do not fit in to any of the categories.

I've decided to start my own. It will be the Straight White American Pride Parade. Anyone can march in it & anyone can stand on the sidelines & cheer for us as we go on by. It will be a day where I can be proud being who I was born, the life choices I have made, and that which is my heritage. I want to be proud of these things.

Not politically correct, you say? How is the Gay Pride Parade politically correct? Shouldn't it be called the "Alternative Lifestyle Pride Parade"? Isn't that more correct? And, yes I am proud to be white. Do not call me caucasian. All of the aforementioned groups marching are caucasian too. They just don't know it because we have been conditioned to believe that caucasian is a nice term for 'white'. Ummm.....nope. It actually refers to anyone who has blonde to red or brown/black hair that may be straight, wavy or curly/frizzy. Those who have blue, green, brown eyes, and have fair to dark complexion. It refers to all except those from a mid-section of Africa...noting that even those of northern and south Africa are caucasian as well. So I am politically correct when I say it will be white.

I am proud to be an American. It seems that people today are ashamed to be called that. Well, it is where I was born, where I was educated (noting that not all countries would have allowed for me to be thank you America), and where I work, try to live, and definitely pay taxes. A whole heap of tax money. So trust me when I say I am an American. I say it with pride. Not in a snooty, better-than-you way. But like the rest of the world has patriotism for their land, I do too.

So, I am declaring August 1st my "Straight White American Pride Day" and will march. If you care to join me in the march or want to stand on the sidelines for support, contact me here on the blog for further information.