Friday, December 01, 2006

The Morning After

Stuffed beyond belief, I was one of the crazy people out by 7:00 am on Black Friday. I love love love going through the fliers on Wednesday & Thursday & planning my strategy to hit all of the stores to get the great sales. And that is exactly what I did. I went to all of the stores on my list, managed to get the items I so desired, and was home by 12:00. I was exhausted, but thrilled that I had knocked off a few things from my shopping list for this season. I even managed to get myself a cute little something (oh please--like I wouldn't?). I got my Juicy zip-up (or down as my students tell me) hoodie. I adore it because it says "For Girls Who Like Stuff" on the back. And I look cute in it, too!

I wore heels to do my shpping in...and this was my downfall. I usually go out in heels but this day it just did not work. My feet & legs were dying by 11 and when KDP called me at 6 to go out, I couldn't move. I felt so bad not going but I physically could not walk. It was nuts! I must say that this is the second time in my life where I literlly shopped 'til I dropped.