I got an email from a new guy on Match. He's oh so hot looking and sounds so nice. He's an automechanic, can not spell to save his life, and this cutie contacted ME! From what the picture shows, he's a 'Hottei Danny' but here on the Island. He did not do the stupid 'wink' thing. He actually emailed me the first time out. It was simple (kind of like how he comes across) and said "Hey...my name is mr. mechanic and I just wanted to say hi. Maybe you'd like to chat soon. Let me know. take care."
I sent it back (after I stopped drooling & petting the screen) and kept it short & sweet. He then emailed me back and said that I have a great smile, seem like a sweet heart (yes 2 words) & he'd buy me a teddy bear (bc that's what it says on my profile).
I sent him my number & then my phone died. I know! Well, I got a phone/car charger for my birthday so that will not happen anymore. He called & left me a message. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how his voice sounds. The catch? He's 21. But I said I needed a toy. So I guess this is it. God is smiling on me & sending me my birthday present. Oh how fun this may be!