Friday, April 18, 2008

Would You Care For A Spot Of Tea?


I found myself in the back of dad's car with KDP, on our way to the NYC's Third Annual Coffee & Tea Festival. I'm lovin' these festivals and want to go to as many as I can (at least that my wallet will allow). I enjoy tea. I like sampling flavors of tea. I am not a fan of drinking a full cup of it hot, but can sip it. And, many of them make great iced teas when the warm weather comes around.

I have attended the Chocolate Show for the last few years at the Metropolitan Pavilion and know the space they have and the amount of vendors and patrons they can handle, so I was looking for row after row of teas & coffees that are available to both the public and to restaurant establishments.

We got there around 11:30 and found no line outside. Weird. There's usually a line for anything you do in the city. We walked in and got our goody bags which were filled with coupons and bags of samples. I am looking forward to trying them later on this weekend.

We enterd the main room and found.....................maybe 30 people and thirty vendors. What? This is not what it sounded like on the site at all!

Anyways, we made the best of it. Because there were so few people milling around, it was easy to get a sample..........or four.............and speak with ease to the vendors. The first lady we spoke with was from Harrisons & Crossfields and she was extremely interesting! I learned a lot about teas, styles, and even how to brew the proper pot of tea.

We had liquid chocolate............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. D. Licious.

I had espresso from three different companies. I found that I do not like espresso and it took me two hours to blink again.

We sat through a seminar about "cupping" and how to tell the difference between quality of fresh leaves. Needless to say............we left wenty minutes into the hour-long session.

Now I have a mission to go to Alice's Teacup as soon as possible!